Tuesday, March 3, 2009

this is a funny story...

So this morning Asher brings me this booklet that came in the mail, he says "Mom here's your tampons." I said, "What?!?! thats not a tampon." Asher says, "Yeah IT IS, Dad threw it in the trash but I got it out because you need your tampons." I said, "Seriously, that is not a tampon." Asher continued to argue with me. Finally I just took the booklet and said thank you...I try to pick my battles wisely. When I turned the booklet over I saw COUPONS! I said, "OH...Asher, you mean coupons NOT tampons." He just shook his head and said, "Yeah Yeah Yeah...thats what I meant."

I laughed so hard! I think his facial expressions made it even funnier, he was soooo serious. Everytime I think about it I just chuckle...kids really do say the funniest things!

I am sure everyone is wondering why my 3 1/2 year old son knows anything about tampons...GOOD QUESTION!?!?!


Amanda @ Bibs and Cribs said...

Oh that kid...

Meredith Adair said...

Once again - hilarious!!! I can totally picture his face and response. So funny!