Saturday, August 1, 2009

Asher and Lily Summer 2009 Pictures

...can I just say how much I love my friend Allison, not only is she a great friend but also an AWESOME photographer!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Asher Dialogue

Asher was having a rough day!!!!!!He was not being a good say the least. So at the end of the day I asked, "Asher, are feeling okay?"...Looking for an excuse for his poor behavior. Asher says to me, "No MOM I am just sick from your attitude!" ...Wonder where he heard that?

We were swimming the other day at my parents house...Asher and I were jumping of the side of the pool. Asher says to me, "Mom, do you love to jump in the swimming it your favorite?" I said, "Yes Ash, I just love it...its my favorite thing to do!" He looks at me a little cross and then says, "Mom, are you being sarcastic?"

Friday, June 5, 2009


Asher begged me to get the camera out to take his picture...


Every morning for the last month Asher wakes up and asks, "Is it summertime yet?" Well now I can say, "YES it is SUMMERTIME...NO SCHOOL!"

Lily's latest obsessions...

SHOES and CHEETOS! Lily will put on any shoe she can find. She even brings me her shoes to help her put them on and then she looks at them as she walks...she has ran into her fair share of walls! And yes and her favorite food is cheetos...I did find "NATURAL" cheetos, I don't feel so terrible about feeding her them:)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Monkey See Money Do

Lily really does everything Asher does! You name it...climbing, screaming, throwing and the latest singing and funny to watch!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

new pics

sorry...I was too lazy to rotate the pictures before I posted them

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Lily Claire!

Lily loved her birthday outfit that her mommy made, but it was the new chuck taylors that made her smile, she thought that she was such a big girl in them!

Wow, "What...a Whirlwind!" I can't believe Lily is already ONE! This year has flown by...way too quickly! Lily Update: Lily has 6 teeth, has been walking for a few months, and loves to sing, her favorite word is daddy, but also says Asher, mom (only when she's mad), hi, bye-bye and ball. She loves her brother Asher and is super interested in EVERYTHING he does! Lily loves to play with her baby dolls and her brother's big cars!
We had a cupcake decorating party for Lily's Birthday. If you can believe it, it wasn't too messy! I even made little aprons for all the kiddos. We had a big cupcake pinata...the kids loved that! It was lots of fun, thanks to all of Lily's friends and family who came to celebrate!

Gramma and Papa Weiss got Lily a baby doll stoller for her see what she likes to do with it, crazy girl!

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

...the things you do for your kids. After school on Friday I took Asher to FUN CITY to see Sponge Bob...he loves Sponge Bob?????? So we waited in a super long line just for a picture:)

Happy 1st Birthday Cody!

All you need is LOVE...

Easter Pics

My mom got the kids matching outfits...they looked so cute for their Easter egg hunt and then they had a dance party!

Easter Bunny came during bath time...since he was super busy the night before:) Yes, that is Asher's bare bum...he obviously was too excited about his Easter Basket to get dressed first:)

My Future Rock Star!

Too bad his dad and myself have zero musical talent! Asher is always singing and playing air guitar, he really really wants a REAL guitar for his birthday.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

more word confusion...

Today we spent all day at the farm where Bain and Asher fixed fences. Needless to say, Asher was SUPER dirty! Asher looked at himself in the mirror and sighed and said, "I guess I am going to have NIPPLES on my face." WHAT?!?! Then I remembered telling Asher that if he doesn't wash his face he would get PIMPLES. "PIMPLES not NIPPLES, honey!" He said, "Oh yeah, pimples."

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

this is a funny story...

So this morning Asher brings me this booklet that came in the mail, he says "Mom here's your tampons." I said, "What?!?! thats not a tampon." Asher says, "Yeah IT IS, Dad threw it in the trash but I got it out because you need your tampons." I said, "Seriously, that is not a tampon." Asher continued to argue with me. Finally I just took the booklet and said thank you...I try to pick my battles wisely. When I turned the booklet over I saw COUPONS! I said, "OH...Asher, you mean coupons NOT tampons." He just shook his head and said, "Yeah Yeah Yeah...thats what I meant."

I laughed so hard! I think his facial expressions made it even funnier, he was soooo serious. Everytime I think about it I just really do say the funniest things!

I am sure everyone is wondering why my 3 1/2 year old son knows anything about tampons...GOOD QUESTION!?!?!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Matching Valentines...THANKS Grandma Weiss

So...can you tell all the kids are completely OVER taking group photos?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Rock Star Birthday

Before the bad weather hit we went to a Rock Star themed birthday party, we had lots of fun seeing all of our friends! Unfortunately these are pre-party pics...I didn't have a chance to get the camera out at the actual party due to the fact of having to chase two children around!

The weather outside is frightful!

This is what Asher does when he is kept in the house too long!

Asher wanted so badly to go outside and sled, so he practiced in the house...

Finally the sun came out Wednesday afternoon. After two days waiting, Asher got to go outside.(I'm really not a bad mom... Lily was only outside long enough for me to take a pic:)

From Monday afternoon until Early Wednesday it spit ice and sleet and then snow...CRAZY! We are very fortunate, we only were without power for a few hours!